

Knowledge of Subject
Description – A member of the faculty possesses knowledge of one’s subject field that is characterized by both depth and breadth with special emphasis on awareness of new developments and related issues. Criteria – Each of the following must be evident for tenure or promotion to the next academic rank.
TA.1 – Demonstrates current and comprehensive understanding of the appropriate topic(s) that reflect scope and depth of knowledge.

Samples of syllabi or appropriate sections of syllabi required. Colleague and/or student references may be included if specifically appropriate.

  1. Syllabi
  2. IDST 199 Meeting Agenda for Summer Scholars 2022
  3. Academic Transcript (through Summer 2024)
TA.2 – Develops course activities that reflect scope and depth of knowledge.

Samples of appropriate activities are required. Colleague and/or student references may be included if specifically appropriate.

  1. Organized a trip to historical frontier classroom at WKU Kentucky Museum for all EDU 250 classes, Fall 2022
    1. Fall 2022
    2. Fall 2023
  2. LADDER Dispositions Incorporation into EDU 250
  3. Course Activities
  4. Collaboration with Dr. Rheanna Plemons in Org Lead on MEC course activity, Spring 2024
TA.3 – Keeps current with trends and knowledge in field through memberships in professional organizations, events and/or activities sponsored by a university/college, school/district, regional/state agency, professional association or private enterprise; audits or takes a class; completes a degree, or obtains additional certification related to the field and attendance at national/regional or state conferences(s) at least once per year on average.

Written list of names of professional organizations in which membership is held, location(s) and date(s) of conference(s) attended, and titles of professional publication(s) received by personal subscription, etc. Copies of program(s) related to participation in events with dates, certificate(s) of attendance/achievement, transcripts, or other evidence, with a brief statement from candidate about purpose/benefit. Examples include certificates or statements of participation in professional development programs sponsored by Information Technology, Green River Regional Education Cooperative (GRREC), etc.

  1. Membership held in:
  2. Workshops Attended/PLC Participation
  3. Academic Transcript (through August 2024)
  4. Conference Attendance
Effectiveness of Presentation
Description – Faculty member follows clearly stated course objectives and uses appropriate teaching methods and instructional materials. Criteria – Each of the following must be evident for tenure or promotion to the next academic rank.
TB.1 – Conducts annual self-evaluation of teaching skills.

Use of peer partner for assessment of instruction with written statement form peer indicating date(s) and activities involved in peer assessment. Additional documentation may include data on student achievement on critical performances, evaluations of teacher work samples, achievement on capstone projects, etc.

  1. Self-Evaluation of Teaching Skills
  2. Collaboration with Dr. Andi Paganelli through regularly scheduled LITE Meetings, with regular discussion of LITE teaching, evaluation, and alignment
  3. Assurance of Student Learning Report, LITE
    1. 2022-2023
    2. 2023-2024
TB.2 – Objectives, requirements, and expectations are clearly stated at the beginning of each course and a variety of instructional strategies, including differentiation, are utilized in teaching.

Additional documentation may include syllabi, data on student achievement on critical performances, evaluations of teacher work samples, achievement on capstone projects, etc.

  1. EDU 560 through CITL’s Quality Matters Course Review Process
  2. Student syllabi showing objectives and requirements (See above in TA.1)
  3. Course Calendar Examples to demonstrate variety of instructional strategies
TB.3 – Demonstrates sufficient preparation for class sessions

Colleague/student references, student evaluations, observations.

  1. Samples of unsolicited student emails
  2. Collaborative Class Activities
  3. Sampling of Course Activities to Demonstrate Class Preparedness
  4. Request to Use Authentic Student Work as Exemplar, Summer 2024
TB.4 – Requires students to explore, apply content, and be actively engaged and contribute to the community/society.

Colleague/student references, student evaluations, student work samples, activities, assignments. Additional documentation may include data on student achievement on critical performances, evaluations of teacher work samples, achievement on capstone projects, etc.

  1. Ephemera Research in Education Activity, with Jessie Hussung, Andi Paganelli, and Sara McCaslin, with LLC EDU 250, Fall 2023
  2. LITE 535 AI Assignment Info, Fall 2023
  3. LITE 535 and LITE 537 Revision, Summer 2024
  4. LITE 590 Practicum
  5. Educators Rising Collegiate Students Competing and Placing at Nationals, Summer 2024
  6. KATE Presentation with Student Co-Presenter, Fall 2024
TB.5 – Uses electronic media/technology in course delivery.

Examples of electronic media that support presentation such as online discussion boards, web pages, social networks, etc. May include screen shots or URLs.

  1. ENG 200 Online Classes for Week #6, Spring 2024
  2. Discussion Boards in LME 448, Summer 2024
  3. YouTube Videos for Class Support
  4. Discussion Boards in LITE 537
TB.6 – Demonstrates collaboration and support of members of faculty in development of courses and course components.

Dates and statements from the faculty member(s), minutes or summaries of task forces or workgroups, etc.

  1. Assisted New EDU 250 Instructor with Blackboard Site, specific to EDU 250, Fall 2022
  2. Assisted New Instructor with Tech Tools, Fall 2022
  3. Feedback for LEAD 450 Students for Dr. Rheanna Plemons, Spring 2023
  4. STE New Instructor Onboarding, 2023-2024
  5. Assisted Colleague with Preview of Program Revisions, Spring 2024
  6. Assisted Colleague with Course Prep for EDU 560, Fall 2024
  7. Study Abroad Harlaxton Plan with Dr. Andi Paganelli, 2024
  8. Course Redesign and Adjunct Assistance in LME 448, Fall 2024
  9. IDST 199, Fall 2024
Effectiveness of Evaluation
Description – The candidate uses a variety of effective assessment techniques to measure students’ growth and achievement according to a comprehensive formative and summative evaluation plan, which is presented and explained to students. Criteria – Each of the following must be evident for tenure or promotion to the next academic rank.
TC.1 – Formative and summative evaluation procedures are stated in outline/syllabus and explained at beginning of term.

Syllabi/outlines, student evaluations, examples of student work, etc.

  1. Posted in syllabi [see above, under TA.1]
  2. Sampling of Assignment Instructions
TC.2 – Evaluations measure unit/course content.

Representative examples of evaluations.

TC.3 – A variety of assessment techniques are used which include formal writing, speaking, and other activities such as observations of teaching that may include technology.

Sample of course objectives, assignments, evaluation criteria, student work, rubrics, screenshots from web video, etc. Syllabi/outlines/examples from assessments, rubrics, etc.

  1. Posted in syllabi [see above, under TA.1]
  2. Sampling of Student Work
TC.4 – A variety of assessment techniques are used.

Syllabi/outlines/examples from assessments, rubrics, etc.

  1. Assessment Examples
  2. Course Calendars which demonstrate multiple assessment types
TC.5 – Prompt and meaningful feedback is provided.

Colleague/student references, samples of student evaluations.

  1. Posted in SITEs
  2. Student emails about feedback
TC.6 – Use of critical performances and/or teacher work samples (where appropriate) to measure student growth and achievement.

Critical performances, scoring rubrics, feedback to students, student work samples, etc.

  1. Sample of Student LITE 535 to LITE 537 IDP Progress, Fall 2023 to Spring 2024, with included feedback
  2. Feedback to ID 470 Student Showing Strengths and Areas of Improvement
  3. LME 448 Global Advocacy Plan – Critical Performance for Course
Responsibility to Students
Description – The faculty member meets class regularly, is accessible through scheduled office hours and/or electronic means relative to teaching load, and provides appropriate program advisement. Criteria – Each of the following must be evident for tenure or promotion to the next academic rank.
TD.1 – Office hours are scheduled for site or electronic contact.

Colleague/student/office associate references, office hour schedule, etc.

  1. Fall 2022 Office Hours
  2. LITE 535 Student re: Quick Response, Fall 2022
TD.2 – Keeps appointments with students through electronic or on site venues.

Colleague/student/office associate references, etc.

  1. Calendar, with multiple student appointments (most in green)
  2. Link to Calendly for Student Appointments [Live link, not a PDF, will open in new tab]
  3. LLC Check-Ins
    1. Fall 2022
    2. Spring 2023
    3. Fall 2023
    4. Spring 2024
TD.3 – Meets class regularly through on-site or electronic means.

Colleague/student references, student evaluations, etc.

  1. See SITEs
  2. Sampling of Course Calendars
  3. Sample of email to students
    1. LITE 535 students due to wide storm damage and power outages, Spring 2023
    2. LTCY 199, format change due to instructor illness, Fall 2023
    3. ENG 200, Eid Mubarak Accommodations, Spring 2024
    4. Congratulations email to Summer Scholar, Spring 2024
    5. EDU 580 email, Summer 2024
    6. EDU 580 email re: late work, Summer 2024
  4. Sampling of email from students
TD.4 – Provides appropriate program and career advisement through on-site or electronic means.

Colleague/student references, etc.

  1. Student Letters of Recommendation
  2. Student Email Support
  3. Supervised MFA in Creative Writing student in creating adult literacy project, Fall 2022
  4. Advising
  5. Educators Rising Collegiate
  6. Supervised KAP Intern at Center for Literacy, Summer 2024
Supervision of Field Experiences
Description – Faculty member plans and supervises field experiences. Criteria – When appropriate, each of the following must by evident for tenure or promotion to the next academic rank. Appropriate if supervision of student teaching, field experiences, and/or practicums are part of regular faculty assignment.
TE.1 – Supervises student teaching, practicums, and/or field experiences.

Examples of field placement documents for student teaching, practica, and/or field experiences.

  1. Student Teacher University Supervisor
  2. Communication with EDU 250 Incompletes, Spring 2023
  3. KFETS/Field Journals Communication, LITE 535, Spring 2023
  4. LITE 590 Practicum Information
  5. LITE 535 Field Hours, Fall 2024
TE.2 – Effectively coordinates communication among students and involved professionals.

Examples of any type of written/oral communication or related documents.

  1. EDU 250 Sample Email between student and mentor teacher, Fall 2022
  2. Sampling of Student Teacher Communication
  3. Sample of LITE 590 Practicum Supervisor Communication
TE.3 – Provides engagement opportunities related to a broader community and global perspective in and/or outside of the classroom.

Examples of course syllabi, sample of projects, and documents related to engagement activities/opportunities shared with students.

  1. EDU/TCHL 560 Student Small Group Feedback After Presentation
  2. Guest Speaker (LITE Alumnus Sharonda Holmes) in LITE 590 Zoom Office Hours, Fall 2023
  3. LME 448 Digital Citizenship and Global Goals Assignment, Summer 2024