
Elementary/Middle/Secondary Schools and Public/Private Agencies Service
Description – The candidate will maintain a high level of interaction with service to and visibility with elementary, middle, and secondary schools; and public and private agencies. Criteria – Since the candidate’s initial appointment at WKU or last promotion, the candidate must complete an average of one criteria descriptor per year. (Activity may be in one or more categories.)
SA.1 – Works with schools/agencies in programs for student such as student fairs, Special Olympics, camps, contests, etc. Correspondence, programs media releases, etc.
SA.2 – Works with school/agencies/organizations/business/industry in programs for certificated and non-certificated personnel such as retreats, conferences, workshops, in-service, etc.

Correspondence, programs media releases, etc.

  1. TESOL Student Scholarship with DGLF Funds
  2. Stobaugh, R., Margarella, E., Maxwell, M., Paganelli, A., & Logsdon, J. (2023, October 27). Practical tips to integrate AI in the classroom [Professional development]. Western Kentucky University.
SA.3 – Works with schools/agencies in curriculum development such as councils, committees, task forces, etc. Sample materials, correspondence, anecdotal records, etc.
SA.4 – Works with school/agencies in Kentucky Teacher Internship Program (KTIP). List of interns, letter of training certification, etc.
SA.5 – Works with a school/agency in professional evaluation such as accreditation teams. Correspondence, programs, reports, etc.
SA.6 – Works with schools/agencies in demonstrations, activities, and experience to engage university students in a community based learning environment.

Anecdotal records, lists, programs, correspondence material samples, work samples, etc.

  1. Three STEAM/Literacy Nights with fellow EDU 250 Teachers (Melissa Rudloff, Catherine Poteet, Melanie Owens) at Local Elementary Schools for EDU 250 students
  2. Participated in EDU 250 LLC Co-teaching support with field placement questions, Fall 2023
  3. LITE 590 Practicum Support, 2023-2024
  4. Student Teaching University Supervisor
    1. 2022-2023
    2. 2023-2024
    3. 2024-2025
University, College, and Department Service
Description – The candidate will maintain a high level of interaction with, service to, and visibility with university, college and department units with student advisement and departmental committee membership expected each year. Criteria – Since the candidate’s initial appointment at WKU or last promotion, the candidate must complete an average of one criteria descriptor per year. (Activity may be in one or more areas.)
SB.1 – Participates in committees/sanctioned organizations at the university or college level.

Correspondence, committee assignments, work products, documentation of committee participation, etc.

  1. Student Support Responsibilities
  2. Service on Hiring Committees
  3. Top of the Class LLC
  4. Participated in QEP Focus Group, Sponsored by Provost’s Office, Fall 2022
  5. Cherry Presidential Scholars
  6. IDST 199 Specific
  7. University Presentations
  8. Reviewer
  9. Graduate Council
  10. Faculty/Staff Opportunities through Student Success Center
  11. Language Greenhouse with IPAS
  12. WKU Generative AI Community of Practice (through CITL), Fall 2023
  13. CEBS Curriculum Committee
  14. CEBS Student Success Committee
  15. STE Scholarship Committee Member
  16. AAC&U Institute on AI, Pedagogy, and the Curriculum, 2024-2025
SB.2 – Involvement with student recruitment activities such as contacts with schools or agencies and/or WKU recruitment.

Communications, lists, media releases, etc.

  1. Recruitment Event Participation
  2. Participated in IPAS Coffee Meeting with Education USA International Advisors, Summer 2022
  3. Attended 60 Days: The Onboarding Edition Meeting, January 2024
SB.3 – Involvement with student advisement by advising programs majors/minors and/or participating in ATP.

Computer printout, correspondence, anecdotal records, lists, schedules, etc.

  1. Advising Self-Evaluations
  2. TOP Advising
  3. Assisted STE colleague with advising advice, Fall 2022
  4. Assisted STE colleague with advising advice re: Colonnade credits, Spring 2023
SB.4 – Special Assignments – The candidate provides materials which support or advertise sponsored activities: SACS, CAEP, EPSB program folios, curriculum revisions, official newsletters, etc.

Details of assignments and dates. (Information about the date completed and to whom the candidate was responsible.)

SB.5 – Supports university sponsored programs/activities, e.g. homecoming, career day, student events, etc.

Details of assignments and dates, etc.

  1. LITE Program Specific
  2. Participation in Graduation
  3. Provide Praxis Testing Support
  4. CEBS MASTER Plan Kick-Off
  5. F1rst Gen Initiative
  6. Participated in Topper Directions, Fall 2022 Semester
  7. Arranged and attended Advising Lunch and Learning by Dr. Jen Hanley for School of Teacher Education, Fall 2022
  8. Attended Best Expectations Program (BEP) Meeting, Spring 2023
  9. Participated in CEBS Take Our Kids to Work Day, Spring 2023
  10. Assisted with Summer Scholars Move-in, Summer 2023
  11. Co-sponsored (through Center for Literacy) “Join or Die” Documentary Screening, Fall 2023
  12. Educator’s Rising Collegiate Homecoming Candidate, Fall 2023 – Delanee McCormick
  13. Literacy Ambassadors
  14. Volunteered at First Gen Summer Camp, Summer 2024
SB.6 – Program Design – The candidate assists in the development of new degree/non-degree programs or new courses (including workshops courses). Description of projects, involvement and dates, university approval documents, etc.
Professional Organizations/Agencies, Community Leadership Service
Description – The candidate will maintain a high level of interaction with, service to, and visibility through leadership with professional organizations/agencies and community/industrial organizations that align with the mission of the School of Teacher Education. Criteria – Since the candidate’s initial appointment at WKU or last promotion, the candidate must complete two criteria descriptors. (Activity may be in one or more categories.)
SC.1 – Involvement with local organizations/agencies in roles such as officer, chair, committee member, etc. Correspondence, membership lists, minutes of meetings, etc.
SC.2 – Involvement in state organizations/agencies in roles such as officer, chair, committee member, etc. Correspondence, membership lists, minutes of meetings, etc.
SC.3 – Involvement in national/regional organizations in roles such as officer, chair, committee member, etc.

Correspondence, membership lists, minutes of meetings, etc.

  1. Served as volunteer with PDK Substitute Teacher Professional Learning Module Revision, August 2022
  2. Volunteer at ISTELive 23, Summer 2023
SC.4 – Reviews textbooks or journal manuscripts, or serves as journal editor or co-editor, etc. Correspondence, membership lists, minutes of meetings, etc.
SC.5 – Civic engagement through elective public office or uncompensated participation in extra mural non-profit organizations and agencies (i.e., Girls Inc., Boys Club, United Way, Life Skills, public library, Special Olympics, Boy Scouts, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, etc.)

Details of types of activities and dates, etc.