
For each category, the underlined description is a link to my brief description of my work in this category, and the artifacts reflecting the individual activities can be found on the right side of each table.

Description – The candidate, as author or co-author, publishes books, chapters, monographs, articles, and/or papers in professional journals. Criteria – Since the candidate’s initial appointment to the rank of assistant professor at WKU or last promotion, the candidate must publish one article relevant to the candidate’s field in a refereed journal of national/international scope (print or electronic/online) and complete one of the following criteria descriptors.
RA.1 – Publishes a pertinent book/monograph or electronic product (computer generated medium, CD, online resource, video, other electronic format, etc.) approved by an editorial board, professional peer review process for dissemination beyond the classroom by an organization/agency relevant to the field, or a legitimate commercial enterprise.

Appropriate evidence of acceptance or publication such as a letter from publisher, photocopy of title page, screenshot, credits, etc.

RA.2 – Publishes one article in a refereed journal of national/international scope or a chapter relevant to the candidate’s field in a book approved by an editorial board, professional peer review process for dissemination beyond the classroom by an organization/agency relevant to
the field, or a legitimate commercial enterprise.

Acceptance letter or photocopy of title page, table of contents, chapter, etc.

RA.3 – Publishes one article in a refereed journal of state/regional scope. Photocopy of contents page, page(s) from article, letter of acceptance, etc.
Description – The candidate makes presentations and/or conducts workshops at professional/scholarly conferences, or with sponsorship of learned societies/professional organizations. Criteria – Since the candidate’s initial appointment at WKU or last promotion, the candidate must complete both of the following.
RB.1 – One presentation/workshop at the national or international level.

Bibliographic citation identifying the topic, organization, date of presentation/workshop and scope, e.g., photocopy(ies) of entries in national/international programs/agendas/proceedings, etc.

RB.2 – Two regional/state presentations/workshops
An additional presentation workshop at the national/international level (One national/international presentation/workshop equals two regional/state presentations/workshops.)
OR a combination of both.

Bibliographic citation identifying the topic, organization, date of presentation/workshop and scope, e.g., photocopy(ies) of entries in national/international programs/agendas/proceedings, etc.

  • International
  • National
  • State
    • Noel, C., Logsdon, J., Hussung, J., McMaine-Render, S., Ryan-Kessler, S., & Minton, K. (2024, September 27). Supporting the neurodivergent candidate [Conference session]. 2024 KATE Conference, Highland Heights, KY, USA.
  • University
    • Logsdon, J., & Winters, D. (2024, January 11). Embedding study strategies in content courses [Conference session]. WKU Professional Development Day, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY, USA.
Selected Activities
Description – Due to the diverse research opportunities of the teacher education faculty, a candidate has an opportunity to demonstrate scholarly performance in various activities. Criteria – Since the candidate’s initial appointment at WKU or last promotion, the candidate must complete two of the following criteria descriptors. (Activities may be in one or more criteria descriptors.)
RC.1 – Ongoing research and products – The candidate conducts on-going research/creative activities not yet resulting in publication, display or performance.

Manuscripts to be submitted or currently in
Description of activities, date begun and expected completion, manuscripts submitted or in review, etc.

  1. STE New Instructor Onboarding Research with Andi Paganelli, Daniel Super, and Janet Tassell
  2. QTAG received for research related to Educators Rising Collegiate Competition at Nationals, Spring 2024
  3. Dialogic Literary Gathering Ongoing Research with Dawn Winters
  4. Cell Phone Research Ongoing with Andi Paganelli, Daniel Super, and Dawn Winters
  5. Alternative Textbook Grant with Andi Paganelli, Spring 2024
RC.2 – Publishes a pertinent book/monograph or electronic product (computer generated medium, CD, online resource, video, other electronic format, etc.) approved by an editorial board or professional peer review process for dissemination beyond the classroom by an organization/agency relevant to the field or a legitimate commercial enterprise. Appropriate evidence of acceptance or
publication such as a letter from publisher, photocopy of title page, screenshot, credits, etc.
RC.3 – Publishes a book chapter relevant to the candidate’s field (print or electronic) in a work approved by an editorial board, or professional peer review process for dissemination beyond the classroom by an organization/agency relevant to the field, or a legitimate commercial enterprise. Evidence such as letters of acceptance,
photocopy of a chapter or contents page of publication, letter of acceptance, table of contents for proceedings, etc.
RC.4 – Funded Grants Authors a successful peer reviewed grant from an external government or private source for $50,000 or more. (Can cover consecutive years for use in category III Selected Activities.) Notice of approval for funding, etc.
RC.5 – Obtains external development funding of $50,000 or more. Evidence of award for the minimum amount in the form of photocopies of relevant document(s).
RC.6 – Copyrights/lnventorships – The candidate is inventor/co-inventor, author/co-author, or producer/co- producer of media subject to U.S or other copyrights or patents. Description of invention(s) and date(s) of patent(s)/copyright(s) or photocopy of copyright/patent approval, etc.
RC.7 – Publishes two papers (print or electronic) for national or international distribution according to rules established by a sponsoring learned society/professional organization. Acceptance letter or photocopy of title page, contents, etc. that indicates authorship.
Example: Research reports, white papers, position statements, etc.
RC.8 – Participation in Funded Projects – The candidate participates in development of studies, programs, or
creative activities supported by external funding.

A list of activities with title, agency involved, candidate’s role, and size of project. Examples: Co-director, coordinator, researcher, evaluator, etc.

Total Award Amount = $410,450

  1. Dollar General Literacy Foundation Grant Awards
  2. CEBS Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion MIni-Grant with Dr. Dawn Winters, 2023-2024 ($2,950)
  3. QTAG for ERC ($1,500)
RC.9 – Reports-The candidate prepares reports for federal, state, or local agencies; or publishes book review in professional journal (print or electronic) or authors an ERIC document. Annotated bibliography of reports, copies of cover pages, etc. indicating authorship.
RC.10 – Technical Reports – The candidate authors significant technical reports associated with
externally funded grants/projects.
Copies of cover pages or other appropriate pages with clear identification of authorship and the externally funded project.
RC.11 – Student Engagement/Scholarly Activity – The candidate provides direct aid for student publication and/or presentation. List of students with topic, date, and degree of involvement by candidate, name of publication or organization, photocopy of contents of issue, entry in conference program, etc.
RC.12 – Additional Publications Relevant to Candidate’s Field –
Publishes a book.
Publishes a book chapter.
Publishes one article in a professional journal (print or electronic) of national/international scope.
Publishes two articles in a professional journal(s) (print or electronic) of regional/state scope.
Appropriate documentation or letter of acceptance such as letter of acceptance, photocopy of table of contents of journal, copy of first page article, etc.
RC.13 – Presents one paper/workshop relevant to the candidate’s field at the national/international level. (One national presentation equals two regional/state presentations/ workshops.) Photocopy of page(s) from program/agenda/proceedings, etc.
RC.14 – Presents two papers/workshops relevant to the candidate’s field at the regional/state level. (One national presentation equals two regional/state presentations/ workshops.) Photocopy of page from program/agenda/proceedings, etc.